Grooming Services...
My Fur Lady Puppy Intro
This is the perfect way to introduce your puppy to the life in the grooming parlour. We welcome them into our friendly grooming parlour, we allow time to play, have toilet breaks, and of course sneak in a cuddle or two! It allows them to get used to the smell, and the environment.
My Fur Lady Full Groom/styling
The full grooming package consist of Bath, Blast (removing dead coat) a warm blow dry, and styling as discussed with owner. Also a spritz of designer dogy pawfume, and less otherwise stated by owner.
My Fur Lady Maintenance Groom
A top to toe bath, blast (removing any dead coat) warm blow-dry, and brush or de-shed, removing any matts, or knots. This helps to maintain a healthy shiny coat, in between your full groom. Also a spritz of designer dogy pawfume, and less otherwise stated by owner.
This is a technique used to shorten the dogs coat, to maintain healthy regrowth and colour.
There are many factors to be considered when hand stripping these are some general questions which we will ask
Has your dog been neuted/spayed this can have an effect on the coat, due to hormones, this can all of a sudden change, even after a few years, the coat can just become un-strippable.
If dog has been previously clipped? It is very rare for the coat to return to its natural state.
If the coat is too soft, the texture makes it difficult or impossible to strip
If the dog tolerates the actual procedure. The dogs welfare is paramount, therefore if not tolerable, then it would be unfair to the dog. Also a spritz of designer dogy pawfume, and less otherwise stated by owner.
My Fur Lady Facial Package
This can be added to any maintenance or full groom. The amazing aroma of blueberry’s, filters through the parlour. A gentle massage around the face, and muzzle, they actually love it! A warm towel is placed to enhance the treatment. If required cucumber can be placed over the eyes, to reduce any puffiness, the high-water content helps to hydrate, and decreases blood flow to the space around their eyes, together soothing and alleviating swelling. Optional photograph if requested. Also a spritz of designer dogy pawfume, and less otherwise stated by owner.
My Fur Lady Pawdicure
Additional to any maintenance or full groom. A very gentle relaxing massage to the paws, with our special virgin coconut oil. This helps to improve those dry cracked paws, especially noticeable in the warm summer months. This is a real favourite with our fury friends. Also a spritz of designer dogy pawfume, and less otherwise stated by owner.
Nail Trimming
Included with any service from My Fur Lady, although also offered, as an individual service. It is highly important to trim nails, as this encourages, healthy nail growth. Correct length Is very important to reinforce healthy foot structure, and posture. This can also affect the appearance of
the groom. Also a spritz of designer dogy pawfume, and less otherwise stated by owner.
Ear cleaning and plucking
For those difficult to clean areas, that can build up with a sticky, smelly wax. This can potentially cause infection. Clean, remove any external wax, pluck (if discussed with owner). Also a spritz of designer dogy pawfume, and less otherwise stated by owner.

Here at My Fur Lady we use top quality products shampoos, conditioners, sensitive shampoos, sprays for scissoring, and drying. We unless otherwise advised, use our amazing essential smelling designer fragrance, Pawfume especially for dogs. A favourite for all owners. Testers available!
All prices vary depending on condition of coat, matting, knots, temperament, behaviour and style.
Benefits of Grooming
We groom our dogs, to encourage re growth of a healthy coat. Regular professional grooming removes dead coat, and a new healthy coat is then easier to maintain.
We all have very busy schedules, work, children, pets etc, and with all the best intentions, our dogs will become knotty or matted at times, this is nothing to be ashamed of! That’s why here at My Fur Lady Boutique Grooming, we offer help advise and services, that will help to reduce the problems from reoccurring.
From maintenance to full grooms. We can set up a grooming programme between us, depending on each person’s lifestyle, and how much, if at all, you want to groom at home. There is no shame, if you do not have the time to groom, just let us do this regularly for you.
A matted dog can have issues with their skin, as there is no airflow, this can cause skin infections, due to the growth of bacteria. Depending on severity of the matting, there may be no other option, than to clip off the dog’s coat, (please read matted consent form)
Once a regular grooming programme is in place, your dog’s health and welfare is no longer at risk.